climate activist and co-author of the booklet „Colonialism and climate crisis – over 500 years of resistance“, argues that the colonial and racist structures of the climate crisis as well as the anti-colonial, anti-racist resistance need to be placed at the center of climate analyses and climate discourses.
Workshop: Colonialism as origin of the climate crisis / Saturday, 11:15 – 12:45 CET
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Eli Huber („Black In Medicine“)
is a Black, afrogerman and queer physician. They recently co-initiated the iniative Black In Medicine, a network of Black students and medical professionals in Germany.
Black In Medicine centers and amplifies Black voices, Black experiences and Black knowledge in health and the healthcare sector in Germany, from the perspective of professionals as well as patients, e.g. with the campaign „Being Black in medicine means…“, while actively critizising the exclusionary and discriminatory health care system and medical curriculum in Germany.
Panel Discussion: Decolonize Medicine / Saturday, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
follow Black In Medicine on Instagram or visit their Website

Workshop: Critical whiteness for health care professionals / Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 CET

Fatim Selina Diaby
is an afro-german feminist whose personal, professional, and academic pathway is guided by a strong desire for justice, and the mission to eradicate inequality. In her activism and academic engagements Fatim Selina aims to understand the world through the lived experiences of the most marginalized, particularly of black people. She advocates, writes and organises to mainstream decolonial practices and thoughts at the intersection of health, climate and racial justice.
Moderation in Panel Discussion: Global South Activists on the Intersections of Health & Climate / Friday, 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Juan Pablo Gutiérrez
is a human rights defender, activist and international delegate of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) and the Yukpa indigenous people. Since 2009, he has dedicated his work to the protection of indigenous peoples at risk of extinction in Colombia. He is also known for championing freedom of thought, and new critical and decolonial epistemological approaches from the Global South. Juan Pablo has faced multiple threats from Colombian paramilitary groups for denouncing the critical situation of indigenous peoples in Colombia to national and international authorities. He escaped an attack in 2014 and now continues his fight for human rights from abroad.
Panel Discussion: Global South Activists on the Intersections of Health & Climate / Friday, 19:00 – 20:30 CET
follow Juan Pablo Gutiérrez on Instagram

Laura works as a journalist in Berlin and wrote together with Dodo and Shaylı the brochure „Colonialism and climate crisis – over 500 years of resistance“. As a Black woman she’s fighting for climate solutions that don’t come at the expense of BIPoC.
Workshop: Colonialism as origin of the climate crisis / Saturday, 11:15 – 12:45 CET
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Llanquiray Painemal
is Mapuche, lives in Berlin and is politically involved in various issues. She is one of the initiators of the Legalisation Now campaign and is particularly concerned with the situation of the indigenous population in the Abya Yala (indigenous, postcolonial name for „Latin America“). Since 2014, she has been working on the issue of fracking in Mapuche territories in Puelmapu (Argentina) and forestry in Gulumapu Chile.
Panel Discussion: Global South Activists on the Intersections of Health & Climate / Friday, 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Lucky Maisanye
is an environmental activist from a town called eMalahleni in Mpumalanga province of South Africa. He works in schools at eMalahleni advancing Education for Sustainable Development and promoting active and global citizenship amongst youth in school, through coordination of a school partnership program between schools from his hometown and schools from Germany NRW. He’s a social entrepreneur working mainly on youth and community development.
Panel Discussion: Global South Activists on the Intersections of Health & Climate / Friday, 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Mihir Sharma
is a research assistant at the University of Bayreuth. He researches the Black Lives Matter movement in St. Louis and writes on environmental politics, social movements and anti-racism.
Workshop: Racism and Public Health: Questions from Medical Anthropology / Saturday, 14:30 – 16:30 CET

Manwinder Dhanjal (also Monty, no pronouns/ they_them), South Asian descend, born and socialized in Germany, non-binary gender-queer, abled bodied, privileged in terms of education (licensed medical doctor, currently studying Cultural Studies and Anthropology in Bachelor, freelance Antiracism and Empowerment Trainer), no children.
BIPoC Empowerment: Medical Hierarchies – not with me / Sunday, 14:30-16:00 CET

Ryan Camado Guinaran
is an indigenous Ibaloy Igorot who holds post-graduate degrees in Medicine, Rural Development, Community Development, Development Management, Training Management and Global Health. He is the Executive Director of the Doctors for Indigenous Health and Culturally Competent Training, Education, Networking and Governance (DITENG Inc.) which is involved in indigenous peoples health and advocacy. He was a Health Policy Analysis Fellow of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research-World Health Organization. He is based in Bokod and Kabayan, Benguet, Philippines.
Keynote speech in Panel Discussion: Decolonize Medicine / Saturday, 17:00 – 18:30 CET

Shehnaz Munshi
is a health policy and systems researcher and activist with a particular interest in feminist, decolonial scholarship and praxis. She is also an occupational therapist with 10 years of experience serving vulnerable and marginalised communities in South Africa and the UK. She is the cofounder of African Health Futures, an initiative aimed at re-imagining health systems drawing on transformative, indigenous, feminist approaches to achieve health equity and social justice. (…) Shehnaz serves on the steering committee of the People’s Health Movement, a global network of grassroots health activists, civil society organisations and academics committed to advocating for affordable, accessible, equitable health for all.
Workshop 3: / Sunday, 10:00 – 11:30 CET
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Yi Yi Prue
is a lawyer and climate activist. She practices at Dhaka Judge Court in Bangladesh. She belongs to Marma indigenous community in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the southeast of Bangladesh. In June 2020 she submitted a report to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, discrimination and climate change on indigenous communities in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. She is committed to making indigenous perspectives on climate justice being heard. She was a complainant in a constitutional complaint against German climate policy. In April 2021 the German Constitutional Court ruled in favour of the main complaints raised.
Panel Discussion: Global South Activists on the Intersections of Health & Climate / Friday, 19:00 – 20:30 CET
follow Yi Yi Prue on Instagram

Julius Poppel – Critical Medical Students Munich (Arbeitsgruppe Antirassismus Kritische Medizin München)
We are an open group of young doctors and medical students who are concerned with health policy issues. In our anti-racist working group, we have dealt with the topic of colonialism and medicine. This resulted in a three-part online section, in which we dealt primarily with the historical dimension of „tropical medicine“ and the origins of „eugenics.“ In doing so, we repeatedly came across continuities of (neo)colonial thinking in modern medicine.
Panel Discussion: Decolonize Medicine / Saturday, 17:00 – 18:30 CET

Working Group Against Racism in the Hospital (Arbeitskreis gegen Rassismus im Krankenhaus)
We want to sensitize and train our colleagues to recognize and react to (especially racist) discrimination. We organise presentations and workshops, design good practice guidelines and offer to act as partisan contact person.
Panel Discussion: Decolonize Medicine / Saturday, 17:00 – 18:30 CET